- Sector: Knowledge and Skills
Tamara Teneishvili
Knowledge and Skills
Brief info
Georgian, born in 1961,Archaeologist by education, Tamar Teneishvili dedicated first 15 years of her professional career to academic research, excavations in different part of the former USRR, and to the preparations of a Ph.D. Main areas of interests being early societies of Prehistory (Copper and Bronze Age), specific field of research was cooper and bronze metallurgy of the Ancient World – Middle East, South Europe, and Transcaucasia. Ancient metallurgy was studied as social phenomena, but also as a very complicate technology for which the use of spectral and metallographic methods of analysis was studied and applied. Due to her facility for foreign languages, during the academic career she was in charge of international relations of the archeological missions and the research departments.
In 1999 she joined UNESCO Culture Sector where for 16 years she followed the implementation of Culture Programmes in 4 Field Offices: Cambodia, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. In addition to the usual Culture Specialist work that is mainly around the implementation of 7 UNESCO Culture Conventions, their promotion, development, and capacity building, due to the post-conflict nature of the work in those countries, she participated in Damage Assessment Missions, coordinated safeguarding campaigns and operations and also did advocacy for Culture issues within UN Country Teams, including intense fundraising. Since she left UNESCO, with group of friends and allies, she established a heritage organization National Trust of Georgia, inspired from the model of the British National Trust.