WAMOs: With Arts for More Opportunities

Erasmus+ Programme KA210-SCH-2021

Goal of the project is promoting music and interculture as important resources in school education, encouraging dialogue, mutual knowledge and inclusion and contributing actively to constructive interaction and learning processes. 

The project aims in particular at reinforcing the potential of music education in supporting the motivation and learning ability of children and youth, contributing on the long run to reduce early school leaving rates. 

Music represents, in fact, a fundamental field of human experience, which triggers and fosters multiple emotional, cognitive and socio-relational processes while involving several human skills and abilities, therefore contributing to their integration and to development of different types of intelligence.  

The specific objective of the project consist of the enhancement of the opportunities and capacities for music students and educators by the implementation of a musical and didactic exchange between Hungarian and Italian schools. Direct beneficiaries of the project are 30 music students (15 based in HU, 15 in IT) between the age of 10 and 14 years old, and 10 music educators (5 based in HU, 5 in IT). 

The project is managed by Symphonia Alapítvány Foundation – Budapest, Hungary, leading partner, and AMT, responsible for the implementation of the activities in Italy. The musical and didactical exchanges will take place within the academic year 2022-2023. 

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