ArchiMaremma. Multimedia Archives of the Bonifiche in Maremma. Knowledge, communication and improved access to the documentation of the State Archive and of the Consorzio di Bonifica of Grosseto

The project aims the enhancement of` the documents of the Civil Engineering (Grosseto State Archive) and of the “Consorzio di Bonifica 6 Toscana Sud” on reclamation activities (around 1860-1970) in the Grosseto area through inventorying, digital reproduction and critical interpretation of sources. The documents will be organized in a geodatabase and made accessible on the web. The new contents will integrate already available databases (historical maps, writings, aerial photographs and photos, audio and video materials).

The project includes the following actions, implemented by the research fellow Mara Visonà, winner of a Research Grant funded by the European Union and the Italian Ministry of Education: cataloguing and analysis of the document and their integration with other available sources; creation of web applications on the websites of the two archives to make the documentation accessible; construction of a geodatabase with the factsheets and the protagonists of the reclamation; study and implementation of high-impact technological solutions (virtual storytelling and virtual and augmented reality) to make content available to citizens, schools, tourists; participation in public events for the communication and dissemination of the project results; preparation of useful materials (cartographic and photographic documentation, descriptive texts, etc.) for the communication and dissemination of the results.

The documents will contribute to the knowledge and use of natural and historical heritage, to encourage participation and rediscovery by local communities and to develop new forms of sustainable tourism. The communication process will take place with high-impact technological solutions (virtual storytelling, virtual and augmented reality with audio and video testimonials. The project is part of a broader action toward the nomination of the Bonifiche in Maremma for the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.

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