Archi.Media Trust Onlus (AMTO) is a non-profit organisation based in Italy and working in the field of international cooperation. Established in 2017, AMTO focuses on culture and heritage as vehicles for sustainable development, crisis prevention and post-crisis recovery from the local scale to that of larger communities. Through the work of its experts, AMTO supports the active preservation of culture and heritage as vital resources and value carriers for individuals and communities in their quest for well-being, cohesive yet diverse societies, sustainable, inclusive and equitable development, crisis prevention and postcrisis recovery.
AMTO relies on a wide network of experts in Cultural Heritage Preservation, including specialisation in post-conflict countries and crisis areas in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab world.
From the managerial point of view, AMTO’s core team has a long and diverse experience in cultural heritage international organizations, i.e. UNESCO. Team members managed several million projects in complex conflict and post-conflict environments as Mali, Cambodia, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Israel-Palestine and Egypt. Those projects focused on conservation, restoration, and management of cultural sites, often combined with on-the-job training for local people.